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Thursday, April 12, 2018

"Pride of Annapolis" 30x40 Oil on Canvas


I get so busy with everyday tasks, I forget to share important milestones.  For instance, this wonderful commission of the Naval Academy Chapel for a collector in Texas.  It took months to complete, in oil on canvas, but was worth every minute.  I am so proud of this piece.



Finding that one perfect reference from thousands of photos taken over the years can be daunting, and being a studio artist that works primarily from good, quality images, that can be difficult.  Then, taking that image and putting my personal spin on color of light and shadows, interesting texture, and more, can be difficult at times, but ultimately, for me, I find that aspect of painting to be exciting.



I view painting as an expression of how everything makes me feel - the composition, the place itself, the person or pet, and the colors and mixtures I can use to convey that feeling.  My goal is not to make a photo copy of exactly what I see.  Rather, it is to make what I see more exciting.  Personally, I love paintings that look like ... paintings.  Although the technical heroic act of creating a painting that looks so real you could touch it is exciting, and I do love paintings in realism, I prefer painting from within and giving into color and texture exploration.  When I see a painting that is painted with whimsical brush strokes and bold color mixtures, I just want to stare at it endlessly because I seem to be experiencing more than just a painting of technical skill.  Instead, I am experiencing something that the artist experienced in creating a piece of fine art. 



And isn't that ultimately what we want to feel when we admire a work of art?  I think so.  In creating this piece, it wasn't about perfection.  It wasn't about creating a perfect copy.  It was about conveying the beauty of what I remember about that day in Annapolis.  The warmth of the sun.  The breezes that sometimes take me by surprise.  The grandness of the Naval Academy Chapel in the background looking over its small but mighty city, and the people that live and work there, together with the midshipmen who are journeying into a life experience as a Naval officer.  There are so many special moments in Annapolis.  I think it is one of my favorite places to paint.



So I will leave you with the painting in full glory - "Pride of Annapolis" 30x40 Oil on Canvas.  Commissioned by the wife of a former Naval Officer and proud Navy man.








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