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Monday, November 25, 2019

Thankful for the US Navy Museum


It has been a good year.  I've been busy in my art studio painting this year, and had quite a few commissions and sales I am proud of.  But the one painting that I am most proud of this year is "Hauling in the Spring Line" 36x60 Oil on Canvas. 

I started this painting based on a reference of the US Navy Line Handlers onboard the USN Arleigh Burke Class Guided Missile Destroyer, USS PAUL HAMILTON (DDG 60).  These sailors were assisting during the mooring, as the ship settled into its berth in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The USS PAUL HAMILTON was returning home after a long 9 month deployment during Operation Iraqi Freedom. 

There was something about the original image that spoke to me.  I am so proud of our men and women in the military and all that they sacrifice for the good of our country, democracy, and freedom in the US and around the world.

That said, I felt inclined to paint these 5 men serving our country and bringing their ship into port.



The original photograph was taken by SSGT Keri S. Scroble, USAF.  This is the reference I used in creating my painting.

After I decided to use this image, I had some changes I wanted to make for the painting composition.  First, in sketching the scene on canvas, I removed the roping and poles from the foreground, I thought they were a distraction from the Sailors.  I also removed the poles and netting, and that balloon thing from the background, so as to bring focus onto the Navy Lineman.



The painting was completed successfully, and will be in the permanent collection of the Navy National Museum Network which includes 9 US Navy Museums, the Pentagon, and the White House.  After speaking to the US Navy Curator at the Museum in Washington DC, it is my understanding that its first home will be in the Pentagon.

I am so honored and humbled that one of my paintings has reached the high honor of being acquired and exhibited by a Museum, especially the US Navy Museum. It is currently at our framers.  Bob will be building a crate especially for the framed painting, and it will ship to DC by the end of the year.  We haven't decided yet if we will be driving it up or shipping it.

That is my good news this year so far.  I am so thankful.





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